I Lost My Job: Heaven Help Me

Book CoverWith the loss of employment comes a variety of other losses, but there is hope – and in that hope there are many gains. Glenn Inn has used his own experiences to write this inspirational book on the growth and gains found through job loss, and the beauty in seeking light and guidance in God during these times. Taking that experience and educating those suffering has been an important part of his personal and professional life. Stemming from a peaceful transition through job changes, God aided Glenn and brought an awareness to the evils cause by a job loss. The joy in guiding others for Glenn has been seeing them step out of the dreary work-focused world and view themselves beyond their job title and role they have been in, and alternatively see themselves truly in a new, uplifting light. He hopes that this book, which includes easy-to-follow exercises, will be the first step in the bright, new direction.

Glenn Inn Headshot
Glenn Inn has a professional career in technology and communications extending over 30 years, something that has guided him in his path toward inspiring and helping those disenfranchised due to job loss. He feels inspired when others walk in the truth of who God has made them, and when they fully embrace that side they didn’t know existed, which may have brushed away to concentrate exclusively on their work or getting a job. Glenn’s positive outlook, useful exercises, and experience are the perfect matchup for this book which brings an awareness to the evils of job loss, and guides and inspires those to seek the light and truth of God.